Corporate Governance

Executive Director
Mr. YUAN Zhijun

Mr. Yuan Zhijun, aged 58, Chairman of the Board and the Nomination Committee, a member of the ESG Committee, was appointed as Executive Director on 4 November 2016. Mr. Yuan graduated from the Huazhong University of Science and Technology with a master degree in business administration in 2003 and is a professor level senior engineer. Mr. Yuan holds directorships of a number of subsidiaries and member companies of the Group. He is currently a director and the chief executive of our principal subsidiary, Liuzhou Wuling Motors Industrial Company Limited* ( 柳州五菱汽车工业有限公司) (“Wuling Industrial”), a joint- venture enterprise owned by the Company and Guangxi Automobile Holdings Limited* ( 广西汽车集团有限公司) (“Guangxi Automobile”) — the ultimate holding company of the Company. Mr. Yuan is also currently the chairman of the board of directors and chief executive of Guangxi Automobile. He is also a director of Wuling (Hong Kong) Holdings Limited and Wuling Motors (Hong Kong) Company Limited respectively, the immediate holding company and the intermediate holding company of the Company. Since his joining to the group of Guangxi Automobile in 1987, Mr. Yuan has held various positions within the group of Guangxi Automobile and has over 30 years’ of extensive experience in the production, product design and development, human resources and corporate management of the automobile industry. Mr. Yuan has also served in a number of senior positions of SAIC-GM-Wuling Automobile Co. Limited (“SGMW”) since February 2003. He is currently a director of SGMW, which is a joint venture formed among Shanghai Automobile Industry (Group) Company Limited, GM (China) Investment Company Limited and Guangxi Automobile and is currently a major customer of the Group’s businesses in vehicles’ power supply systems and automotive components.

Mr. WEI Mingfeng

Mr. Wei, aged 50, was appointed as Executive Director on 24 March 2021. Mr. Wei is currently a director of Liuzhou Wuling Liuji Motors Company Limited ( 柳州五菱柳机动力有限公司), a  subsidiary of our principal subsidiary, Wuling Industrial.. Besides, Mr. Wei is currently the vice general manager, chief legal counsel, and chief compliance officer , of Guangxi Automobile, the ultimate holding company of the Company. Mr. Wei graduated from Tianjin University majoring in Chemical Mechanical Engineering and holds a master degree in business administration of Huazhong University of Science and Technology and holds the profession as a senior engineer. Mr. Wei joined the group of Guangxi Automobile in 1996 and has over 25 years’ of extensive experience in business operations, production management, quality control, purchasing and supply chain management of the automotive components industry.

Ms. Zhu Fengyan

Ms Zhu, aged 47, obtained a bachelor’s degree in management at Wuhan Chemical Technology College* (武汉化工学院) (currently known as Wuhan Institute of Technology) in the People’s Republic of China (the “PRC”) in June 2000. Ms. Zhu completed and passed the assessments of the Second Phase of the Centralised Training Period for Management Accounting Training in the “Ten Hundred Thousand” High-End Accounting Talent* (「十百千」高端会计人才培养工程管理会计类第二期集中培养周期) in Guangxi Province of the PRC in February 2023 and the Centralised Training Period in the Enterprises Directly under the Autonomous Region in the “Ten Hundred Thousand” High-End Accounting Talent* (「十百千」高端会计人才培养工程自治区直属企业类集中培养周期) in Guangxi Province of the PRC in May 2023 jointly organised by the Department of Finance of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region and Shanghai National Accounting Institute, respectively. Ms. Zhu obtained the qualification as auditor and senior accountant from the Department of Human Resources and Social Security of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region in October 2011 and in December 2018, respectively. Ms. Zhu has been working as the Deputy Chief Accountant of Guangxi Automobile since December 2023 Ms. Zhu joined Guangxi Automobile in July 2000 and has over 20 years of extensive experience in the financial, accounting, and legal aspects of the automotive industry.

Non-Executive Director
Mr. LI Zheng

Mr. Li, aged 81, was appointed as Non-executive Director on 24 August 2022. Mr. Li graduated from South China Normal University in 1967 majoring in Physics. He worked in various organisations relating to the field of medical technology, including well-known university research centre, national medical engineering technology research centre, focusing on promoting the improvement of medical technology in the PRC. Besides, he also worked in the science and technology development organisations, trust funds and investment organisations. Mr. Li has over 50 years’ of extensive experience in physics, biomedical engineering and international finance. Mr. Li is the brother of the late Mr. Lee Shing, who was the former vice-chairman of the Board, the former chief executive officer and a former executive Director of the Company and the beneficial owner of Dragon Hill Development Limited, a substantial shareholder of the Company. Mr. Li is currently a member of each of the Nomination Committee, Audit Committee, Remuneration Committee and ESG Committee of the Company.

Independent Non-Executive Director
Mr. YE Xiang

Mr. Ye, aged 61, was appointed as Independent Non- executive Director on 10 October 2008. Mr. Ye is the founder and managing director of Vision Gain Capital Limited (“Vision Gain”), a company engages in the fund management and investment advisory business. Mr. Ye is a chartered financial analyst and holds a doctorate degree in finance. He has more than 20 years’ of experience in the monetary and finance industry and has extensive exposures in the banking and regulatory aspects. Prior to his founding of Vision Gain, Mr. Ye was the director of China Affairs of the Securities and Futures Commission of Hong Kong. Mr. Ye is currently the chairman of the Audit Committee and the ESG Committee, and a member of the Nomination Committee and the Remuneration Committee.

Mr. WANG Yuben

Mr. Wang, aged 69, was appointed as an Independent Non-executive Director on 20 March 2015. Mr. Wang obtained a doctorate degree in economic law from the school of law of the Renmin University of China. He is currently an arbitrator of Beijing Arbitration Commission. Mr. Wang has more than 38 years of teaching experiences in a number of universities in the PRC. He is also at present a professor in the Capital University of Economics & Business. Mr. Wang is currently a member of each of the Nomi nati on Committee, the Remuneration Committee and the Audit Committee.

Mr. Xu Jinli

Mr. Xu, aged 59, studied at Wuhan University of Technology (武汉理工大学) (formerly known as Wuhan Technology College (武汉工学院) majoring in mechanical engineering and received a bachelor’s degree, a master’s degree at Wuhan University and a doctor’s degree in engineering at Wuhan University of Technology in Mr. Xu has engaged in the fields of mechanical engineering and education for more than 30 years. He started his teaching career as a teacher at Hubei No.1 Mechanical Industrial school* (湖北省第一机械工业学校) from July 1987 to August 1999. From September 1999 onwards, he served as a lecturer, an associate professor and a professor respectively at Wuhan University of Technology (武汉理工大学). Besides, since March 2019, Mr. Xu has also served as an external director of Guangxi Automobile Holdings Limited (“Guangxi Automobile”), the ultimate holding company of the Company. His appointment as the external director of Guangxi Automobile is subject to the requirements of 《自治区直属企业外部董事管理暂行办法》issued by the State-owned Assets Supervision and Administration Commission of the People’s Government of Guangxi Zhuang Autonomous Region* (广西壮族自治区人民政府国有资产监督管理委员会).

Senior Management
Mr. Yang Jie

Mr. Yang, aged 50, was appointed as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company on 18 February 2025.  Mr. Yang graduated from South China University of Tropical Agriculture* (華南熱帶農業大學) (currently known as Hainan University) obtained a bachelor degree in agricultural mechanisation and a master degree in international trade from Wuhan University of Technology and a master degree in business administration from China Europe International Business School, his profession is Economist. Prior to his appointment as the Chief Executive Officer of the Company, Mr. Yang served as the senior sales and marketing consultant of Liuzhou Wuling New Energy Motors Company Limited, an associate company of the Company. Mr. Yang has over 27 years of extensive experience in sales and marketing, as well as the corporate management of the automobile industry. 

Mr. LAI Shi Hong, Edward

Mr. Lai, aged 60, currently Chief Financial Officer and Company Secretary of the Company, is responsible for overseeing our finance, accounting and company secretarial functions. He is also a director of Wuling Industrial, our principal subsidiary. Mr. Lai has more than 30 years’ of experience in finance, accounting and business management. Mr. Lai graduated from the University of Hong Kong and the Hong Kong Baptist University and holds a Bachelor of Arts degree and a Master of Science degree in Corporate Governance and Directorship respectively. He is currently a fellow member of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants, the Institute of Chartered Accountants in England and Wales and the Association of Chartered Certified Accountants.

Mr. CHEN Xiaofeng

Mr. Chen, aged 50, is currently the chairman of the board of director of Wuling Industrial, our principal subsidiary. Mr. Chen is also the deputy party committee secretary, the vice chairman of the board of director and the general manager of Guangxi Automobile, the ultimate holding company of the Company. Mr. Chen graduated from Metal Pressure Technician of Chongqing University. He obtained a master degree in Public Administration from Wuhan University of Science and Technology, his profession is Senior Engineer. Mr. Chen has been engaged in the automobile industry in China since his joining to Guangxi Automobile Group in 1997. He has over 20 years’ of extensive experience in the production operation, sales, purchasing and supply chain management of the car assembly and automotive components industry.

Mr. LIU Yourong

Mr. Liu, aged 53, is currently the Chief Accountant and Concurrent Chief Financial Officer of Wuling Industrial, our principal subsidiary. Mr. Liu graduated from China University of Mining and Technology majoring in Accounting and holds a master degree in business administration of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. His profession is Senior Accountant. Mr Liu has over 20 years’ of extensive experience in cost management and institutionalization of the financial system.

Mr. ZHAN Qiangmin

Mr. Zhan, aged 54, is currently the Senior Consultant of Wuling Industrial, our principal subsidiary. Mr. Zhan graduated from Department of Mechanical Manufacturing and Technology of Guangxi University, and holds a master degree in business administration of Huazhong University of Science and Technology. His profession is Senior Engineer. Mr. Zhan has over 20 years’ of extensive experience in the production management, quality control and efficiency of the automotive components industry.

Mr LUO liguo

Mr Luo, aged 50, is currently the Chief Engineer of Wuling Industrial, our principal subsidiary Mr Luo graduated from Department of welding Technology and Equipment of Wuhan University of Technology. His profession is Economist. Mr Luo has over 20 years of extensive experience in production management, procurement and logistic in the automotive components industry.

Mr LIANG Kairong

Mr. Liang, aged 51, is currently the Deputy General Manager of Wuling Industrial, our principal subsidiary, and the Party Committee Secretary and General Manager of the Shandong Branch. Mr Liang graduated from Northwestern Polytechnical University with a degree in Mechanical Engineering for Aircraft Manufacturing and holds the title of Senior Engineer. Mr. Liang has over 20 years of extensive experience in production management, planning, quality, and operations in the automotive components industry.

Mr. WEI Minggang

Mr. Wei, aged 44, is currently the Deputy General Manager, the Party Committee Branch Secretary of the Vehicle Division, and the General Manager of the Vehicle Division of Wuling Industrial, our principal subsidiary.. He graduated from the Department of Vehicle and Power Engineering of Henan University of Science and Technology with a degree in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing, and Automation (Automobiles).  His profession is Senior Engineer. Mr. Wei has approximately 20 years of extensive experience in technical engineering, specialized vehicle business, and operations in the automotive components industry.

Mr Li Jianqiang

Mr. Li, aged 42, is currently the Deputy General Manager of Wuling Industrial, our principal subsidiary. Mr Li graduated from the Department of Engineering Technology of Southwest University of Agriculture with a degree in Mechanical Design, Manufacturing, and Automation.  His profession is Engineer. Mr. Li has approximately 20 years of extensive experience in production management, body business, motorcycle business, and chassis business within the automotive components industry.